Basement Conversions - the key factors

Key Principles for Basement Conversion 

Abbeymead Building Ltd  have constructed a number of basement over the years both for commercial and residential properties. The key Principles for Basement Conversion remain the same: 

To construct the basement safely without risk to the occupants, work force, the building,  its surrounding property and the  local environment.

Basement Construction

The basement should be designed and constructed  in such manner that it is fit for purpose intended and designed in accordance with BS 8102 :2009 code of practice for protection of below ground structures against water from the ground.
No two basement constructions are the same even if they are being carried out in the same street. [Read more...]

Underpinning Foundations of an Existing Building

Underpinning and Additional Foundations 

It goes without saying that good solid foundations are an essential part of any construction project.
If you are constructing or renovating a building and find that the foundation is not strong or stable enough, the building structure has changed, or perhaps there has been some form of subsidence, you may need to consider underpinning; this is the process of strengthening and reinforcing the foundation.

Why might you need to strengthen existing foundations?

Properties of the soil have changed or flood/subsidence has occurred – Extending the foundations so that they rest on soil that can provide better support, or look to redistribute the weight over a greater surface area.[Read more...]
Construction and Commercial Property Outlook for 2017

Market analysis suggests that 2016 was a somewhat difficult year for the construction industry.
According to a report by JLL and Glenigan, there was a 14% drop in overall activity in the sector, to £16.7bn for the year.
A reduction in the number of new build developments, with a quarter-on-quarter slide of 18.1%, coincided with a corresponding 6.8% fall in refurbishments leading to a degree of nervousness in the industry.
Many people have attributed this dip to uncertainty over the economic outlook in the lead-up to and aftermath of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union. [Read more...]

Renovating Property in London

Property Renovation in London

Did you know that London is one of the top three most expensive cities to live and work in the world? The housing market in London is booming and the average home price has risen to over £300,000. This is fueled in large by London being very attractive to foreign investors.

With the housing market skyrocketing, not only is it becoming near impossible for people to move into London, but it is also becoming difficult to move out.
So, what do you do when you can’t move out of your home but are dying for something new?[Read more…]

Basement Conversion Costs in London

What is the Cost of a Basement Construction in London?

What is the Cost of a Basement Construction in London? With the lack of suitably sized accommodation in London and planning requirements preventing extensions upwards or outwards, many homeowners have looked at the construction of basements to meet their needs. Basement Conversion Cost It is important to understand that no 2 basement excavation costs are[read more…]

For more information on Basement Conversion and Excavation contact us for a free and frank  consultation  about your project.

Restoring Historic Buildings

Historic Building Renovations

Owning a unique property with a special place in the cultural landscape carries obvious appeal.
It brings with it prestige and a certain cachet. But assuming responsibility for a historic or listed building can be an undertaking that is not for the faint-hearted. are the custodian of a part of the historic or architectural legacy of a nation and the public authorities will see you as such.

That inevitably means that you are never fully in control of all the decisions you make but will be held fully liable, nonetheless. Expect a tight framework of rules and seemingly interminable lists of dos and don’ts.

Some of the key things to consider include:
Renovating or restoring? Read the full story....